2016 Mid Year Wrap Up

And here we are at yet another year’s halfway point.  I’ve had an okay reading year so far, and I’m reading less than in previous years just as I knew that I would.  I’m also buying books only if I think I will read them within the month, which is working out nicely for my TBR.  My only real trackable reading “goals” from the start of the year were to keep the average of 400+ page count (I’m kind of on track), aim for an earlier average year of publication (failing miserably despite the literal millions of books that were published prior to the year 2000) and achieve something closer to a 4.0 average star rating (again, no such luck, though this time through no fault of my own).

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Autumn 2016 Wrap Up

I’ve been in the slumpiest of slumps lately, and only was it in May that I started to snap out of it.  Unfortunately, even though I’ve actually, you know, been reading, the books I’ve read have been only okay for the most part.  I mean, I’ve quite enjoyed them but a three star read for me means that I was probably bored or frustrated for chunks of the book.  Or maybe it’s just that I found it underwhelming – like Warm Bodies, for example, I really liked it but I wouldn’t rush out to recommend it to all my friends.  Maybe I’m just expecting too much?  Who knows.

Also, I’ve taken to writing little Goodreads reviews instead of the larger reviews to post over here.  If you’re interested in seeing what I’m up to, feel free to add me over there.

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November 2015 Wrap Up


This November was sort of something and nothing; despite being both my birthday month and the start of the long awaited Holiday Season.  I read a handful of good books at the beginning of the month but tapered off toward the end.  I don’t feel like reading at the moment, but that’s okay, I have started to fill my time peering into the world of online streaming – watching streams, that is – and my God, does that get addicting fast.

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October 2015 Wrap Up


Lacking employment, I spent the month of October reading a ridiculously large stack of books, and drinking a stupidly large amount of tea.  In fact, I read so much that I managed to surpass last year’s page total, and in 10 fewer books.  (Over 36,000 if you’re wondering.)  That particular statistic probably only interests me, but there it is anyway.  I really enjoyed all the books I read (with the exception of that one, two star, read) and I like to have something to show for my excessive amount of free time this month.
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July Wrap Up


July was a month of picking up a book and putting it down, then repeating the process over and over and over again.  So, sadly, not my best reading month and I’m going so far as to say that I am in a slump.  (I read three books within the first three days of the month, then next to nothing.)  No matter, my TV watching skills have certainly levelled up this month.  And you know, it’s nice to switch things up every now and then.

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